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[62] 供护法仪轨。参见《喇荣日常课颂集》


The Wish Fulfilling Treasury is one of the Seven Treasuries composed by the omniscient Longchenpa. It is an extremely precious teaching and protected by the three principal protectors described in Dzogchen teaching, i.e., Ekajati, Rahula, and Dorje Lekpa. These three protectors served and obeyed the Great Longchenpa wholeheartedly. While the Great Longchenpa was composing the Seven Treasuries and other works at Kangri, his attendant observed that the master had asked Rahula to mix the ink for him. Ever since these works were completed, the three protectors have been unswervingly protecting his teachings all the time.

Though the content of more than half of this text belongs to the Mahayana teaching, it is still of great importance to attain the conditions favorable to receiving such profound teaching. If you would like to receive the Khenpo’s lectures on the Wish Fulfilling Treasury, all three of the following requirements need to be met:

  1. Observe pure samaya vows, especially vows related to the Vajra Guru and the Vajra brothers and sisters.
  2. Recite 10,000 times of the Vajrasattva Mantra “om benza sato hung” within one week of the day you start to receive the teaching and accumulate a total number of 100,000 times of this mantra as soon as possible. In addition, regularly perform purification practices during the time the teaching is given, for instance, reciting the 100-syllable Vajrasttava Mantra, or the short version of the Vajrasattva Mantra “om benza sato hung”.
  3. Make offerings to the Dharma protectors regularly, especially to the three principal protectors of Dzogchen


2) 受法之日起一星期内,持诵金刚萨埵心咒“嗡班扎萨埵吽”10,000遍,并尽快累积此心咒100,000遍。此外,在传法期间,经常修持忏悔法门,例如念诵百字明,或金刚萨埵心咒“嗡班扎萨埵吽”。
3) 定期供养护法,尤其是大圆满的三位主要护法。